[03.04.02 09:54 +0200] Heiko Heil <-- :
> I have compiled mutt v1.3.28i both on my Server (based on SuSE7.1) and
> on my Laptop (based on SuSE7.3).  Now I have noticed that the
> mutt-version on the server runs in English language and the mutt-version
> on my laptop in German language. The language-settings (according to
> locale) only differ from the @euro-suffix. But I want both versions in
> German language.

No network here, no Suse here, so just a guess, unverified

> hh@server:~ > locale
> LANG=de_DE
> [snipped]

I read this to be the locale of your server.
I guess the locale of your laptop looks like LANG=de_DE@euro.

2 reasons I can think of:
1. check /usr/lib/locale directories having both de_DE and de_DE@euro
2. check both LANGUAGE variables
Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mutters: insert vowels of last name

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