On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 04:19:54PM +0200,
German Kraut Sven Guckes wrote:
> [...]
> come on - give more info!
> how did you install mutt - from source?  deb?  rpm?
> where does the binary get its locales?
>   $ mutt -v | grep PKG
>   PKGDATADIR="/home/guckes/share/mutt"

This directory doesn't exist on both machines!

>   $ cd ~/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
>   $ ls
>   mutt.mo
>   guckes@debian:~$ locate mutt.mo | grep /de/
>   /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/mutt.mo
> Does your system have those, too?

<BINGO>mutt.mo only exists on the laptop</BINGO>

But during the configure-make-make install-process I get no error

> Sven  [who thinks that Krauts should learn English - period.]
IMHO my mutt should learn German! ;-)
Heiko Heil

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