Hello again,

I tried a little and i think this Problem is NOT mutts problem.
I tried some biffs and they all had the same problem.
(except mailcheck). So i think it either procmail or
fetchmail do something strange to the mails. 

I will just have to wait a little until there are enough new mails in my
mailfolders, make a backup and then check what makes the difference.
I will tell you what I found out tomorrow (hopefully)

And thank you


* Am Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 12:57:53PM -0500 , schrieb David T-G:
> Christoph --
> ...and then [EMAIL PROTECTED] said...
> % 
> % * Am Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 11:47:18AM -0500 , schrieb David T-G:
> ...
> % > 
> % > So you had, say, messages one through four in your mailbox.  When you
> % > return, they as well as a new message five are all marked old, even
> % > though you've never before laid eyes on message five.  Correct?
> % >
> % Correct. Message one through four are morked "O" when I haven't read
> Hokay.
> % them and marked not if I have read them. This is how i want it. But
> % message five is marked "O" although I never laid eyes on it.
> That's interesting.  You say you've never seen the message before,
> and I'll believe that, but forgive me if I dig on a bit more.  How does
> this message get into the mailbox in question?  Does procmail deliver it
> directly?  Does all mail land in $spoolfile and then get moved elsewhere?
> % 
> % > If so, that is quite interesting.  Do you ever see 'N'ew mails in any
> % > folder?  Are you using procmail or any other filtering software which
> % > might be writing a Status: or X-Status: header?
> % >
> % I see "N"ew mails in my spool but not in the mutt-user mbox. And i am 
> How do mails get into the mutt-user mailbox?  Is that for incoming or
> outgoing?  And do you always see new mail in $spoolfile as you expect to,
> or does the problem sometimes come up there, too?
> % using procmail, but it doesn't write Status or X-Status headers
> % And I see "N"ew mails in the folder-list.
> The folder-list doesn't count; don't worry about that.  And I didn't
> really expect that procmail would write such headers, but it's worth
> checking.
> % 
> % > What type of mailfolder are you using?  For a folder =mybox, what do you
> % > see when you run "ls -lF $MAIL/mybox"?
> % >
> % I use mbox folders.
> Hokay; all I've told you, then, is valid.  Maildir, for instance, marks
> its messages as old and read differently.
> % 
> ...
> % > remove any Status: and X-Status: fields you find and then run mutt on
> % > that folder?  Are the messages still old, or are they finally new?
> % >
> % They are all new.
> Good; that part works.
> :-D
> -- 
> David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
> (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
> http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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