Rob --

...and then Rob Reid said...
% At  9:29 AM EDT on April 11 David T-G sent off:
% > I recall some discussions of this but I don't think I've ever seen it
% > work.  I'd like to limit to entire threads for any in which I've taken
% > part.
% For many people that would be tricky but fortunately for you it's just "l."
% ;->


% For lurkers it would be "l!." (untested).


% Seriously though, it might be time to use procmail.  First collect a list of
% all the oldest parent (i.e. thread starting) M-IDs from all of your messages
% (this might be possible from mutt) and procmail anything referencing or
% matching one of those M-IDs into a new folder.  This takes up more disk space
% than a limit, but you can delete it when you're done.

Well, that's not really what I need...  The specific case is my
mutt-users folder.  When I reply to a message I keep the original, and
then of course get my reply.  Once the thread dies I still have the
original and my reply, but by now it's two pages back in the index.  If
the case is closed, so to speak, and there was nothing else of value in
the thread, then I want to delete it -- but to do that I have to be able
to effectively limit my view to those threads.  Do you follow?

% -- 
% "It is man's relation to the cosmos - to the unknown - which alone arouses in
% me the spark of creative imagination." --- H.P. Lovecraft
% Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
% PGP Key:


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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