On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 01:17:53PM -0400, Dan Lowe wrote:
> Previously, s. keeling wrote:
> >
> > I think that last bit is the important part here.  Why does it matter?
> > Who cares how it got to you.  What's important is what you do with it
> > now.  Are you goingg to reply to the poster who cc:'d you, or are you
> > going to reply to the list?
> Once you're on enough lists, sorting them into proper contains (folders)
> becomes important.  I, like many, use Procmail for that.  I don't use the
> Message-ID trick to delete duplicates; I used to, but I had to stop because
> it kept deleting the wrong copy, as described in this thread (the mail
> would end up in my inbox instead of the list folder).

I too use procmail.  Everything from mutt-users ends up in my
IN.mutt-users file.

I also use the Message-ID trick, but the duplicate (whatever comes in
that matches a previously seen M-ID) ends up in IN.duplicates

> You seem to have sent this to something other than "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Yes, I forgot to repoint my alias for mutt-users.  As the list
maintainer said, both work but only one of them's correct.  I've since
fixed this.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
     TopQuark Software & Serv. Contract programmer, server bum.

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