
* David T-G [05/16/02 15:47:11 CEST] wrote:
> If you just want to relay instead of send, well, that's probably tough;
> that's what spammers do, and nobody likes that.  You have a Linux box
> with a capable sendmail; why not just send your mail?

... because there're blacklist available which lots of MTAs
may check a sender against. In most cases mails from dial-up
lines are blocked; as a side effect the majority of people
forced to use a relay are innocent and just want to deliver
simple mail directly. Out there are those few bad apples which
run open relays so that there's much more spam going through
those channels instead of dial-up lines with direct delivery.

Of course, everybody with a dial-up line may try to send mail
directly but from time to time you will get bounces making you
use a relay, finally.

Cheers, Rocco.

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