Dominik --

...and then Dominik Vogt said...
% On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 09:18:21PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > One thing I didn't see revisited was your subscription problem.  Are you
% > now subscribed?  Do you want to be?
% I've figured it out now.  Worked fine from the new address.


% > When you bounce a message, mutt takes the message as it was received by
% > you and hands it back to sendmail with a new addressee so that sendmail
% > can put it on its way.  This is just like a .forward file in that sense
% > (though it's done manually, of course); nothing in the message envelope
% > is changed, and new headers are added.
% So, does mutt add a Resent-To: header or does it not?  If it does,
% there is evidence that this does not work sometimes.  I'm trying
% to lay my hands on such a message.

AFAIK it does, but see the explanations on envelopes and headers in a
sub-thread for more info; they speak from knowledge whereas I speak from
"gee, I think it works that way" :-)

% > When you resend a message, all of the transit-related headers (Received:)
% > with the Message-ID: regenerated on your system, too.
% Does that mean that mutt won't be able to sort it into the correct
% thread?

I don't think the References: are tossed, but it's a new message and so
it should get a new Message-ID: and so it changes.

% > What is it that you used to do, and what is it that you really want to
% > do?
% I used to bounce mails and I want to bounce mails.  Not that I


% care what actually happens with the mail, but bouncing a message
% requires two keystrokes (<b> <type new address> <ret>) while


% resending requires 12 (<esc><e> <:> <w> <q> <ret> <t> <ctrl><a>
% <k> <type new address> <ret> y).  Hm, can I pass keystrokes into
% vi with a macro?  But at the moment it doesn't look like I can

There are lots of ways to handle that.  You could set your editor to
something else (/bin/true) for the moment.  You could still use vi but
temporarily change $editor to "vi +wq %s" or the like to automatically
save and exit.  You could use the recent patch that lets you define an
esc-e editor separate from your regular editor so you don't have to muck
with temporarily changing things at all.

% continue to use 'bounce' since the list of Received: headers is
% getting too long with this mail server.

That's really odd.  Your mail server should let a message go through a
million hops if it has to.  What about the [admittedly absurd] case of
someone at the tail of a long UUCP connection because he doesn't have
access to a real ISP yet?  What about the [slightly less] absurd case of
mail out of a company that allows SMTP mail but strictly enforces some
sort of heirarchical mail server path to better track down offenders?

% > You sound as though you've been doing this for a while, so please
% > forgive the basic level of my explanations and questions,
% No offense taken.  I try to avoid fiddling with the mail system as
% much as possible, so my knowledge of how mail transport works
% exactly is limited.

Fair enough :-)

% > but 'b'ouncing
% > hasn't changed since I met mutt at 0.88 and I can't imagine, particularly
% > since it also works the same way in elm, that it was *ever* any different.
% Well, I belive you.  What else could have changed to cause my
% troubles?

Sounds like your mail server (the easy answer, of course!).

% BTW, I'd like to setup my mail system to send external mails over
% a different server than internal ones (because our servers are
% blacklisted).  What mailer would you recommend (exim, sendmail,
% postfix, ...?)  I'm currently using exim.

I'm a qmail guy, but all of them have their fans right here on this
list.  I think the topic has come up a couple of times somewhat
recently; you might check the archives for various pros and cons.  
I do know that qmail is extremely {capable,small,fast,secure}, but 
can also be extremely challenging to get to know.

% Bye
% Dominik ^_^  ^_^
%  --
% Dominik Vogt, mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], phone: 0721/91374-382
% Schlund + Partner AG, Erbprinzenstr. 4-12, D-76133 Karlsruhe


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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