On 2008-08-21, Grant Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, my apologies because this isn't strictly specific to
> mutt.
> I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to accept/decline
> meeting invitations when one is using an IMAP client to read
> one's mail on an Exchange server.  I use mutt, but I presume
> users of other IMAP clients find themselves in a similar
> situation.  I haven't really found any thing by googling
> various combinations of exchange, imap, invitation, accept,
> etc.
> Can one accept/decline a meeting invitation by sending a reply
> in some defined format?  If yes, where can I find some
> documentation on what the reply is supposed to look like?

One accepts/declines by replying with an e-mail that contains a
vcalendar attachement per RFC-2445.  Thunderbird+Lighting
appears to be a good way to generate example responses if
you're on a Linux system.

I'm going to have a go at writing a command-line program to
generate accept/decline vcalendar objects that can then be sent
as attachments in mutt.  The current plan is to write the app
in Python using the iCalendar module:


Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! How's the wife?
                                  at               Is she at home enjoying
                               visi.com            capitalism?

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