Many thanks, Bill.

Let me tinker with the timers that I have set and I will report back. :)


2009/5/31 James <>:
> It seems a good bit of the problem I am having is related to the
> $mail_check period. If I have it too low mutt becomes completely
> unresponsive, regardless of what I try to do.
> Setting it to a more reasonable value (75 seconds) improves the situation a 
> bit.
> I'm uncertain, however, why it takes so long for mutt to load at
> first. Isn't that what the header cache is for? What exactly is mutt
> doing when it first loads and takes ~20sec (on my end) to load
> everything?
> -j
> On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 10:53 AM, bill lam <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 31 May 2009, James wrote:
>>> Bill, are you saying that after the initial 30 second process for your
>>> Gmail, everything loads up instantly (specific email messages, etc.)
>>> afterwards?
>> Since only headers are downloaded, new message take time to download
>> when actually first read the message. Afterwards that message will be
>> inside body cache.  When mailbox is closed by network disconnection
>> then it needs initialisation again.  Apart from that, there is no
>> difference from a local mailbox retrieved from pop3.  I guess this
>> should be the normal scenario.
>> --
>> regards,
>> ====================================================
>> GPG key 1024D/4434BAB3 2008-08-24
>> gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 4434BAB3
>> 唐詩017 王維  西施詠
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