
* James wrote:

> Maybe my IMAP server is kinda slow then?

Seems so...

> Here's what I have in my .muttrc file (for caching):
>   set header_cache="~/.mutt/cache/headers"
>   set message_cachedir="~/.mutt/cache/messages"
> There seem to be files in there, so I imagine that the caching is
> working correctly.

So ~/.mutt/cache/headers is a directory?

> I just ran a tcpdump and worked on mutt for a bit and here's what I'm 
> noticing:
> - loading a mailbox the first time around takes a bit of time and
> results in some reasonable level of traffic to / from the mail server
> - once a mailbox is loaded, the index for that mailbox seems to work smoothly
> - loading a single message in that mailbox then takes a few seconds (~5?)

Well, the far easier way would be to use mutt's built-in debugging
support. That way, with a second terminal, you could use tail(1) to see
what it's doing including the network traffic in plain. That could also
answer the question whether it's mutt being slow in processing answers
or your IMAP server in providing them.

> Bill, are you saying that after the initial 30 second process for your
> Gmail, everything loads up instantly (specific email messages, etc.)
> afterwards?

I'm not Bill, but once the message is in body cache: yes.


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