also sprach David J. Weller-Fahy <> 
[2009.11.29.1631 +0100]:
> * Michael Wagner <> [2009-11-29 07:59 -0500]:
> > * martin f krafft <> 29.11.2009
> > > This *could* be due to gnupg. Do you see the unsigned portions of
> > > the text if you run
> > >
> > >   gpg < ~/test
> I do *not* see the text preceding the digitally signed portion of the
> message when I run `gpg < ~/test`.  Odd.

ro this means that your mutt 1.5.20 on Darwin correctly splits the
message and only passes to gnupg what it must, while "our" 1.5.20 on
Debian sid does not. Very strange indeed.

> > @David: What version of gnupg do you have?
> gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.10

Same here, or at least I am not using gnupg2.

martin | |
"when zarathustra was alone... he said to his heart: 'could it be
 possible! this old saint in the forest hath not yet heard of it, that
 god is dead!'"
                                                 - friedrich nietzsche

Attachment: digital_signature_gpg.asc
Description: Digital signature (see

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