On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 09:59:32AM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach David J. Weller-Fahy <dave-lists-mutt-us...@weller-fahy.com> 
> [2009.11.28.2236 +0100]:
> > I then entered ':exec check-traditional-pgp' in mutt, and viewed
> > the message.  The text preceding the digitally signed portion of
> > the message was still visible.
> If I do the same with mutt from Debian sid (1.5.20 (2009-06-14)),
> then I definitely do not see the unsigned portions.

My Mutt is Mutt 1.5.20hg (2009-06-23), only slightly newer than yours,
but it clearly does have code to handle the case of pgp-mixed text
bodies (in pgp_application_pgp_handler() in pgp.c).  So it would seem
the discussion is moot.  You can either upgrade, or work around by
unsetting pgp_auto_decode and not executing pgp-check-traditional on
the message until you actually need to (e.g. reply to the message
first if it contains only clear-signed data, then postpone your reply,
then verify the signature if required -- or I believe you can undo
Mutt's temporary changes caused by check-traditional-pgp to the
message simply by reopening it).  Either way, you'll get what you

If you can't upgrade for some reason, and your correspondees send
mixed PGP plain-text *encrypted* messages (i.e. part of the body is
an encrypted PGP block, and part is not), then your only recourse is
probably to educate your correspondees that what they're doing breaks
replies for you, and likely anyone not using their particular mail
client.  I bet if you ask politely, you can get them to stop doing it.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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