On 2010-07-27, Christoph Kukulies <k...@kukulies.org> wrote:

> Everyone know this when you get an email from someone and he is 
> disclosing his whole (Outlook) addressbook to the recipients. Often
> this is an interesting field for social research :) but that left
> aside, I would like avoid this in a case now when I'm about to send
> an information about an upcoming event to a list of about 100 users.
> Instead of going through a for i in `cat users`do mutt ... $i done
> loop I could make an alias of these users, but how do I tell to hide
> the 100 users and only show up the one addressee plus a note that 
> the email went to a group of undisclosed users?

I assume you know it's not uncommon for people to route message like
that directly into the spam folder?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I just had my entire
                                  at               INTESTINAL TRACT coated
                              gmail.com            with TEFLON!

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