On 29Oct2011 08:08, Tim Johnson <t...@akwebsoft.com> wrote:
| > For your situation the simplest thing for me would be:
| >   ln -s '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome' 
| > (On one line, should the mailer fold things.)
| > Then just make the mailcap read:
| >   text/html; chrome %s
| > 
| > In general, this kind of approach will let you have a nice easy to read
| > mailcap with simple command names; you put all the machine specific
| > executable location rubbish in $HOME/bin-local if the normal bins don't
| > do what you need.

|   Hi Cameron. I had thought of something similar, so followed your
|   instructions. Unfortunately, it doesn't work either. I get this
|   "
|   [1029/080146:FATAL:foundation_util.mm(105)] Check failed: bundle.
|   Failed to load the bundle at
|   /usr/local/Versions/15.0.874.106/Google Chrome Framework.framework
|   "
|   lion has done some other weird things with symlinks. For instance
|   when I create a symlink from /usr/bin/python to
|   /usr/local/bin/python and invoke the symlink directly, the system
|   path is different. 
|     Not my experience on ubuntu...
|   I think were are looking for a mac-sanctioned script.

Ok, not to worry.

Does Chrome run at all?

If so, try changing your mailcap line to read:

  text/html; open -a Chrome %s

which uses the Mac's "open" command to open the URL or file using the
"chrome" app. That usage works for me (from the command line - I'm not
using this in my mailcap).

I'd test it with:

  open -a Chrome some-url-here

first, from the command line.

And you can get rid of the symlink.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

The old day of Perl's try-it-before-you-use-it are long as gone.  Nowadays
you can write as many as 20..100 lines of Perl without hitting a bug in the
perl implementation.    - Ilya Zakharevich <i...@math.ohio-state.edu>,
                          in the perl-porters list, 22sep1998

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