On 29Oct2011 16:09, Tim Johnson <t...@akwebsoft.com> wrote:
| * Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> [111029 13:27]:
| > Does Chrome run at all?
|   Yes. 
| > If so, try changing your mailcap line to read:
| > 
| >   text/html; open -a Chrome %s
|   Done. 
| > which uses the Mac's "open" command to open the URL or file using the
| > "chrome" app. That usage works for me (from the command line - I'm not
| > using this in my mailcap).
| > 
| > I'd test it with:
| > 
| >   open -a Chrome some-url-here
| > 
| > first, from the command line.
|   That works. 
|   However, if I do 'm' (view-mailcap) or <Cr> (view-attach)
|   focus switches to a new chrome tab, but I get a 
|   "This webpage is not found" error message.
|   Example: location =
|   file://localhost/var/folders/rj/6r6lch2d1mqb6p8k7s_ydrh80000gn/T/muttPk5vu1
|   I can 'backtrace' the path to
|   file://localhost/var/folders/rj/6r6lch2d1mqb6p8k7s_ydrh80000gn/T/
|   and see a directory index, but don't see 'muttPk5vu1' there...
|   thanks. Good tip. Making progress.

Ah, ok. What you're seeing is that mutt cleans up the temp file after
the command completes. "open" tells chrome what to open, and exits. Mutt
cleans up. Chrome responsds too late and sees nothing.

What you need is a wrapper script to take a copy of the file and hand
the copy to chrome. Like this one:


You can imagine what led me to write that:-)

Then your mailcap entry becomes:

  text/html; withstdin open -a Chrome <%s

which hands a copy to Chrome.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

``On the information highway, there'll be no cops. No gas stations.  No rest
  stops.  No tow trucks.  But there will be <dramatic pause> passing lanes.''

Just remember, on the information superhighway, we are the Hell's Angels.

"I will be a speed bump on the information super-highway."
        - jvo...@math.rutgers.edu (jeff vogel)

Newbies are the roadkills of the information super-highway.
Alt.flame is the storm drain of the information super-highway.
CARASSO is the black ice on the information super-highway.

in the information superhighway i am the discarded refuse at the side
of the road. (strangly, i am proud of this).    - chevyn

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