/ Chris Bannister wrote on Tue 20.Nov'12 at 23:09:44 +1300 /

> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 10:01:41AM +0000, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
> > I don't like vim. I prefer the old vi, so i'd have to set it in ~/.exrc 
> > which mean all files will be line wrapped which is why I haven't done so 
> > already. I'll see if theres a muttrc macro or setting I can use to set line 
> > wrap just for mail. 
> See:
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.mail.mutt.user/14211
> IOW in your .muttrc:
> set editor='/usr/bin/nvi -c"set wraplen=72"'

Thanks for the tip. And sorry for any inconvenience. 

Best wishes, Jamie

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