I wasn't going to post in this thread but...

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 04:16:44PM +0000, Tony's unattended mail wrote:
> On 2012-11-20, Chris Bannister <cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz> wrote:
> >
> > Ouch! Could you please set the "line wrap" value in your editor to a
> > sane value? 72 characters seems to be the recommended setting.
> That was the recommendation in the 90s.
> These days, any decent news reader has word wrap.  Considering the
> variety of wide displays, it's no longer reasonable to impose a fixed
> text width on an author.

That is just wrong. The problem isn't news readers, it's people posting from
web interfaces, especially google. I use slrn, probably the best all around
news reader out there and it doesn't wrap unless you tell it. But even that
looks bad. You can't make a sloppy pile of HTML or run-on sentences look
like a newsgroup post or an acceptable email. There are standards and there
is such a thing as common decency, even if it's less common than it was.

Mail and news need to have sane line lengths. 72 or 76 chars are common. It
makes people look like AOL groupies when they post 500 character lines. Many
of us use console news clients and newsreaders. Is this discussion really
happening on a mailing list for mutt, a console email client?

Take some responsibility for yourself and your content. Post like a man not
a webbot.


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