=- Jamie Paul Griffin wrote on Wed 21.Nov'12 at 12:14:25 +0000 -=

> > > > I don't like vim. I prefer the old vi, so i'd have to set it in
> > > > ~/.exrc which mean all files will be line wrapped which is why I
> > > > haven't done so already. I'll see if theres a muttrc macro or
> > > > setting I can use to set line wrap just for mail.
> > 
> > You can "source" in bsd-vi, too.
> > Specify $editor in mutt to include your mail-setup.
> Rado, could you explain a little more about that, I don't understand
> what you mean exactly?

        set editor='vi +"so path/to/exrc-file-for-mail"'

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EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
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