=- David Young wrote on Tue 20.Nov'12 at 11:59:55 -0600 -=

> "What, you have computers in your pockets but there is no
> conformance to the width in columns of 40 year-old data terminals
> any more?"

That's not a technical issue but readability: it's easier on the eyes/
flow of reading when you don't have to jump big distances when CR-LF.

> It's also not reasonable to demand that people rigidly conform
> with strict technical standards when software can (and should) do
> it for them. In other words, don't treat people like robots.

Right, then have software _produce_ humanly useful results in the 1st
place rather than trying to catchup something already gone wrong.
I'm tired of "fix/workaround what others are failing to comply".

> Software could digest a lot of this email that doesn't conform to
> my taste, priorities, available time, attention, perceptual
> strengths and weaknesses, and spit out something that's not only
> more palatable but more useful, but software doesn't do that.

Software can't do magic, or make up for human failures.
Sometimes the responsibility is with the user, not the code.

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.

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