On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 06:42:27PM +0000, John Long wrote:
> My mutt on Linux has been locking up lately. I didn't compile it with debug
> support. Is there any way to figure out why this is happening? I sometimes
> lock up in the middle of composing a long email or when mutt has been open
> for awhile. This didn't happen until this week and I suspect my email
> provider is messing up but I don't know how to check it. Once in awhile mutt
> becomes non-responsive and there's nothing I can do but kill it or close the
> terminal window. It doesn't respond to any keypresses.

first thing to try is "strace -p pid-mutt" from a different terminal.
You could also try 
#attach pid-mutt

- should give at least a backtrace where it is hanging on most architectures. 
If you suspect server problem try wireshark.


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