On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 11:40:33PM +0100, Richard wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 06:42:27PM +0000, John Long wrote:
> > My mutt on Linux has been locking up lately. I didn't compile it with debug
> > support. Is there any way to figure out why this is happening? I sometimes
> > lock up in the middle of composing a long email or when mutt has been open
> > for awhile. This didn't happen until this week and I suspect my email
> > provider is messing up but I don't know how to check it. Once in awhile mutt
> > becomes non-responsive and there's nothing I can do but kill it or close the
> > terminal window. It doesn't respond to any keypresses.
> first thing to try is "strace -p pid-mutt" from a different terminal.

Thanks, that fixed it! Just like when you take your car to the shop, it
never exhibits the problem...I started strace this morning and the damn
thing's been running fine for hours already!

> You could also try 
> $gdb
> #attach pid-mutt
> #bt
> - should give at least a backtrace where it is hanging on most architectures. 
> If you suspect server problem try wireshark.

Thanks Richard. I'll keep this going and also try gdb until I catch him in
the act.


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