On Sat, Feb 02, 2013 at 11:44:09AM -0600, Derek Martin wrote:
First, let me say that I believe the reason you have what you have
today is precisely because the mail store was never completely treated
as an abstraction, and is not treated consistently regardless of the
format, as it should be.  Instead, the user interface and related
behaviors have always implicitly acknowledged the properties of the
mail store as a file or set of files, depending on what you use.  This

This is nice in theory, but forces you into an abstraction which supports only the lowest common denominator that every mailbox format provides. Witness all the complains about how Mutt's IMAP support is poor because all the other mailbox formats require a complete parse of the entire mailbox before you can do anything (and to support threading, you need to download the message headers from the IMAP server, unless it supports SORT=THREADS, but oh wait, the most popular IMAP server, gmail, doesn't support that...)

Now, I will grant you, this feature is a bit schizophrenic.  It also
assumes that once it has done whatever it's going to do, that you no
longer want the existing copy of the message, and marks it for
deletion.  At which point I have to go and undelete it, which I've
always found annoying.  Because when I use this feature, I do in fact
want a separate copy of the message.  Pretty much always.  I suspect
that it behaves this way because ME (I'm assuming) decided that the
two operations, moving a message to another folder, and saving a
message to a file, were functionally equivalent, and therefore elected
for the economy of only implementing one.  Trouble is, in neither case

It was implemented that way because save-message in ELM and MUSH behaved that way, and it was what users expected at the time.

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