On 22.03.13 12:54, Derek Martin wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 09:04:21AM +0000, Chris Green wrote:
> > Mutt itself *doesn't* put a blank line there, if you S[ave] or
> > C[opy] messages to a new mbox the messages have no blank lines
> > before the 'From '.

When I save a message to another mailbox, mutt always leaves a blank
line between messages. (Sometimes there are two blank lines - one is
then presumably part of the message.) I have 1092 mailboxes, many with
thousands of messages. Most of them receive mail only by save or copy.
A quick awk script showed one apparent exception to this mutt behaviour
in the 1596 messages in one of those saved-by-mutt-only mailboxes, but
it was a /^From / occurring within an attachment.

> Yet it works with every MDA I've ever used... which seems to suggest
> that this is the expected behavior, and that the Python library got it
> wrong.  And to be honest it's not really *that* surprising... I've
> seen other cases where Python libraries were doing it wrong (whatever
> "it" might be).

Having only used fetchmail, these last couple of decades, I can only
confirm that it inserts a blank line, thus mimicking mutt's behaviour.
There are several hundred thousand messages in my archive, and I do
occasionally go in with vim, but have never seen one message butt up
against the previous. Checking a delivery mailbox with the awk script
finds no exceptions in 3180 messages.


Life is complex: it has a real part and an imaginary part. - Martin Terma

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