I'm not certain from your debug log, but it looks like you may
be setting your SMTP username to "russurquhart1".  Try using
"russurquha...@verizon.net" -- your full email address -- as the
username.  Larger services (that support multiple virtual or real
domains) often require this.

* On 17 Sep 2014, Russell Urquhart wrote: 
> Hi,
> I set a wrong password and set the smtp authentication to cram-md5.
> Here is, what i think, is the relevant part of the muttdebug file, attached.
> Thanks,
> Russ
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 05:03:35AM -0700, Alexander Gattin wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > 
> > 5< 500 5.7.0 Unknown AUTH error -1 (Internal
> > authentication error).             
> > 
> > As I can see, verison's SMTP server fails with a
> > 500 "Internal authentication error".
> > 
> > Can you deliberately feed it a wrong password and
> > show us what the answer will be?
> > 
> > Most probably, with DIGEST-MD5 a reply would be
> > the same whatever the password is, so you would
> > have to restrict AUTH to CRAM-MD5 in order to
> > check for the wrong password reply.

> 509_verify_cert: unable to get local issuer certificate (20)                  
>  [/C=US/ST=Texas/L=Irving/O=Verizon Data Services LLC/OU=SLB 
> Mail/CN=smtp.verizon.net]                               
> ssl chain: checked by signer: /C=US/O=GTE Corporation/OU=GTE CyberTrust 
> Solutions, Inc./CN=GTE CyberTrust Global Root
> trusted: /C=US/O=GTE Corporation/OU=GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc./CN=GTE 
> CyberTrust Global Root                     
> Connected to smtp.verizon.net:465 on fd=5                                     
> 5< 220 vms173025pub.verizon.net -- Server ESMTP (Sun Java(tm) System 
> Messaging Server 7u2-7.02 32bit (built Apr 16 20
> 09))                                                                          
> 5> EHLO verizon.net                                                           
> 5< 250-vms173025pub.verizon.net                                               
> 5< 250-8BITMIME                                                               
> 5< 250-PIPELINING                                                             
> 5< 250-CHUNKING                                                               
> 5< 250-DSN                                                                    
> 5< 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES                                                    
> 5< 250-HELP                                                                   
> 5< 250-XLOOP 909D1845605982A0426FBB076A98755C                                 
> 5< 250-AUTH DIGEST-MD5 PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5                                   
> 5< 250-AUTH=LOGIN PLAIN                                                       
> 5< 250-ETRN                                                                   
> 5< 250-NO-SOLICITING                                                          
> 5< 250 SIZE 20971520                                                          
> smtp_authenticate: Trying method cram-md5       
> SASL local ip:;54792, remote ip:;465               
> External SSF: 256                                                             
> External authentication name: russurquhart1                                   
> 5> AUTH CRAM-MD5                                                              
> 5< 334 PDQ1NjA4NDI4MC4xNjczNDAyQHZtczE3MzAyNT4=                               
> mutt_sasl_cb_authname: getting authname for smtp.verizon.net:465              
> mutt_sasl_cb_pass: getting password for russurquha...@smtp.verizon.net:465    
> 5> cnVzc3VycXVoYXJ0MSA0MWNiZGM0MzY0NDkyMTdkNjdhOTg2M2UwMTI2ZDA2Mg==           
> 5< 500 5.7.0 Unknown AUTH error -1 (Internal authentication error).           
> SASL authentication failed                                                    
> sendlib.c:2491: mutt_mktemp returns 
> "/var/folders/Vt/VtOiaMCkEfua-mwEHMlHbE+++TM/-Tmp-//mutt-Macintosh-502-21817-3".
> mutt_free_body: Unlinking 
> /var/folders/Vt/VtOiaMCkEfua-mwEHMlHbE+++TM/-Tmp-//muttRtelMm.                
> is_from(): parsing: russurquha...@verizon.net Wed Apr  3 22:54:45 2013        
> is_from(): got return path: russurquha...@verizon.net                         
> is_from(): month=3, day=3, hr=22, min=54, sec=45, yr=113.                     
> parse_parameters: `boundary="ZmUaFz6apKcXQszQ"'                               
> parse_parameter: `boundary' = `ZmUaFz6apKcXQszQ'                              
> read_rfc822_header(): no date found, using received time from msg separator   
> is_from(): parsing: russurquha...@verizon.net Sat Sep 29 15:38:58 2012        
> is_from(): got return path: russurquha...@verizon.net                         
> is_from(): month=8, day=29, hr=15, min=38, sec=58, yr=112.                    
> parse_parameters: `charset=us-ascii'                                          
> parse_parameter: `charset' = `us-ascii'                                       
> read_rfc822_header(): no date found, using received time from msg separator   
> is_from(): parsing: russurquha...@verizon.net Tue Apr  8 16:41:29 2014        
> is_from(): got return path: russurquha...@verizon.net                         
> is_from(): month=3, day=8, hr=16, min=41, sec=29, yr=114.                     
> parse_parameters: `charset=us-ascii'                                          
> parse_parameter: `charset' = `us-ascii'                                       
> read_rfc822_header(): no date found, using received time from msg separator   
> is_from(): parsing: russurquha...@verizon.net Sat Sep 13 08:06:55 2014        
> is_from(): got return path: russurquha...@verizon.net                         
> is_from(): month=8, day=13, hr=8, min=6, sec=55, yr=114.                      
> parse_parameters: `charset=us-ascii'                                          
> parse_parameter: `charset' = `us-ascii'                                       
> is_from(): parsing: russurquha...@verizon.net Wed Sep 17 08:11:00 2014        
> is_from(): got return path: russurquha...@verizon.net                         
> is_from(): month=8, day=17, hr=8, min=11, sec=0, yr=114.                      
> parse_parameters: `charset=us-ascii'                                          
> parse_parameter: `charset' = `us-ascii'                                       
> read_rfc822_header(): no date found, using received time from msg separator   
> mutt_index_menu[605]: Got op 145

David Champion • d...@bikeshed.us

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