On Sep 18, 2015 at 17:00, Erik Christiansen wrote:
On 18.09.15 10:41, Cameron Simpson wrote:
I'm pretty sure the vim mode I'm using doesn't do quoting correctly if I edit the quoted sections. Need to check that on my end.
While editing a mutt tmp file, it can be useful to set something like:

set formatoptions=qrjl
This will not generate f=f messages. You need to 'set fo+=w' so that trailing white space indicate a paragraph continues on the next line.

The 'l' stops breaking of long lines in insert mode, allowing "textwidth" to be deliberately exceeded. (YMMV)
AFAIC f=f messages should still "hard wrap" at 72 char, so IMO 't' is the better choice.

Things are further complicated by receive messages from people not using format=flowed. I probably need to incorporate their quotes differently depending

In either case, here, vim (in mutt) manually reflows a paragraph of
quoted text to "textwidth", respecting (multiple levels of) quoting,
with "gq}". (Mine's automatically set to 72 when I'm in mutt.)
'gq' will also not reflow the paragraph correctly since it doesn't add spaces at the end. You want to use 'J' when 'set fo=a', unfortunately it doesn't take an operator so I use visual selection for that.

I just realized that f=f requires that there is no space between '>'s in multi level quotes, i.e. '> > quote' is not a valid 2-level quote, it should be '>> quote' or '>>quote'. I haven't figured out a way to set this up properly in vim.

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