On 18.09.15 10:33, Samir Benmendil wrote:
> On Sep 18, 2015 at 19:09, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> >Now there's no need to hunt around amongst all sorts of files,
> >wondering where stuff is configured - it's configured in the config
> >file!
> There's a function for that:
> | " edit configs  {{{2
> | function! EditConfig(what)
> |     let l:dir = split(&runtimepath,',')[0]
> |     if a:what == 'vimrc'
> |         let l:file = expand($MYVIMRC)
> |     elseif ! isdirectory(globpath(l:dir, a:what))
> |         echoe a:what." is not valid!"
> |     elseif empty(&filetype)
> |         echoe 'filetype is empty!'
> |     else
> |         let l:file = l:dir.'/'.a:what.'/'.&filetype.'.vim'
> |     endif
> | |     execute ':vsplit '.file
> |     execute ':lcd %:p:h'
> | endf
> | nmap <leader>ev :call EditConfig('vimrc')<CR>
> | nmap <leader>ef :call EditConfig('ftplugin')<CR>
> | nmap <leader>es :call EditConfig('syntax')<CR>
> | nmap <leader>ei :call EditConfig('indent')<CR>
> | nmap <leader>eu :UltiSnipsEdit<CR>:lcd %:p:h<CR>
> This is way simpler than searching for it in the huge monolithic vimrc.

Samir, your irony gave me a very good belly laugh!

With folding, the attractively monolithic .vimrc is visually small.
Structure makes everything readily accessible - without any need for
complex functions to get to a swarm of files.

Still, you are most welcome to do it your way.

(Who found that folding fostered much improved structure in a 430 page/
 26k line file of *nix notes.)

The ultimate barrier is one's viewpoint.
      - Terry Pratchett, "The Dark Side of the Sun"

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