On 2015-07-29 20:19 +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote:

> I'm using scoring to mark, auto delete, ... certain mails I do not
> want to read. I'd like to auto-score top posters for the next
> mail. For the first mail it is not possible due to scoring is based on
> header lines.  But the sender could be scored with -10 or -20 for the
> next mail...

Back to my bad habit of resurrecting old threads :)

Do you really score "bad" messages with _negative_ scores?  The manual
says (section 3.24):

 A message's final score is the sum total of all matching score
 entries. However, you may optionally prefix value with an equal sign
 (“=”) to cause evaluation to stop at a particular entry if there is a
 match. Negative final scores are rounded up to 0.

... so, no matter how "bad" a message is (let's say, a top post, a
thread hijack, an ALL CAPS subject, and unlimited line length LOL), the
worst it can score is 0.  Am I right?  I haven't used mutt scoring yet,
so I am trying to learn how to best put it to my purposes.  It seems
to me that for flagging "badness" positive scores would be much more
convenient.  Am I missing something as usual?

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