On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 11:13:52PM -0800, David Champion wrote:
> * On 29 Jan 2016, mutt-us...@rcdrun.com wrote: 
> > 
> > So, whoever is producing the fork, DOES work with the community within
> > the scope of the GNU GPL.
> Working within a development community and keeping the terms of a
> license are disjoint.  Doing one gains you no ground on the other.
> mutt-kz keeps the license.  It does not work with the greater mutt
> community.

I wasn't familiar with mutt-kz, but ultimately, I think some of these
projects have helped in less direct ways. I didn't follow the (now
defunct, AFAICT) mutt-ng project much, but it seems to me as if it put
some much needed pressure in terms of making mutt development a little
more active (and maybe a little more accepting of adding new features).

In the long run, it'll be clear if a project like this is going to build
momentum or fizzle out, but I don't think it's a bad thing either way;
it's just part of an eco-system.

Additionally, if any great features get developed in the other project,
it probably wouldn't take much to merge them in.


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