On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 04:22:01AM -0500, Lester Rees wrote:
> Damn, I never thought getting help configuring Mutt for my AOL email
> account would be such a big hassle.  I used to use mutt for my Gmail
> accounts, but Google, as you know [is phasing out app-specific
> passwords].

As others in this thread have noted, Mutt can indeed be used
successfully with AOL and with GMail.

That said, GMail is not terribly friendly towards people who prefer
traditional email clients like Mutt, and given that Yahoo keeps changing
hands, it's hard to predict what Yahoo (AOL's owner) will do in future.

IMO, the best way to avoid such headaches is to switch to a more
ethical, more user-friendly email provider.  As you can tell from my
email address, I use Posteo, but there are other options, too.  For
instance, Drew DeVault recommends Migadu.com or Mailbox.org :


> Instead, I get a whole bunch of hassle from everyone.   Leave it human
> beings to make things more complicated than they should be!!! 
> Damn!!!  You know, the less I have humans involved with my life, the
> less stress and fewer problems I have.

It's important to distinguish between:

1.  Human beings who are making your life harder and who may not
    actually care. (E.g. maybe product managers at Google, and perhaps
    AOL too; miscreants whose abuse of traditional authentication in the
    past & present has encouraged Google to migrate fully to OAuth.)

2.  Human beings who are trying to help you & others like you, because
    they *do* care. (Volunteers on this mailing list!  The authors &
    maintainers of Mutt!  People who run ethical, user-friendly email
    service providers!)

Learning to distinguish between the two groups helps reduce stress.

Good luck in your quest.


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