
> Just a general conceptual question about syncing with the cloud. Is
> syncing strictly a manual process, or is there any automatic or
> background syncing going on?
You should sync manually or setup your windows scheduler to sync
periodically using MLO command line.

>IOW, if I am working at home do I need to
> sync with the cloud before I go to the office, and then do I need to
> sync the office computer to the cloud before working on the office
> computer?

>What happens if changes are made at home, but not synced to
> the cloud, then changes are made at the office?
>When syncing finally
> occurs is anything lost under that scenario? Just looking for the
> general concept necessary to make this work,
If you changed different tasks you will be fine after you eventually
sync home and office. Changes made home and office will be synced to
If you changed the same tasks and then sync you will see the conflict
resolution window and decide which version if the *task* to use home
or office.


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