I'm with you Doremi and Lisa on the Importance & Urgency scales - I miss 
the missing buttons too, and much prefer them to sliding most of the time. 
I suspect the change was for cosmetic reasons, the benefits of which I 
think are far outweighed by the loss.

On Monday, December 24, 2012 6:54:44 AM UTC+11, Doremi wrote:
> Please note that when you see a (?) beside a word, it means I'm not 
> sure if I used the correct terminology. 
> - Importance and Urgency Scales.  I preferred to have the old markers 
> which I can click on the set specific value of 'less', 'min', 
> 'normal', 'more' and 'max' then fine tune the value later if I really 
> needed a different value (which is seldom.) 
> - Task Notes and Properties.  MLO v3 had separate tabs for Notes and 
> Properties.  And a section for Notes within the Properties.  The 
> problem with MLO v4 is that when I want to enter a one liner or two in 
> the Notes by clicking on the Notes pane(?), the Notes "pane' expands 
> and the Properties pane(?) contracts.  I have to click on the 
> Properties to make it's sections visible again.  I don't want to have 
> to do that.  I think that if I really needed the task notes to expand 
> to full pane,  I'll just click on the Properties Section Header(?) to 
> collapsed the Properties.  Collapsing the Properties Pane should NOT 
> be automatic. 
> And for some weird reason, every time I start up MLO v4, the Task 
> Notes and Properties loses it's previous set up like the Notes 
> occupying 50% of the pane.  Every time I start up MLO v4,the 
> Properties moves up causing Notes to occupy 20%(?) of the pane 
> contrary to what I previously set up as 50%. 
> - Darkened Properties Sections(?).  With my aging eye sight, MLO v4 
> made it harder for me to see where the expanded sections(?) of the 
> Properties begins and ends.  I have to sort of "search" for the item I 
> needed as compared to MLO v3 where I can easily jump to the section(?) 
> I need and set up my stuffs.  Sure, MLO v4 have the sections separated 
> by a thin gray line but it's hardly visible in my screen.  I think MLO 
> should be 'old people friendly' too, but don't enlarge the fonts.  The 
> fonts are good for now. 
> - Start Date and Due Dates or any date related.  MLO used to have to 
> ability to perform "mm/dd/yy + nt" where "n" could be any number and 
> "t" could be "d" for Days, "w" for weeks, "m" for months and "y" for 
> years, you get the point.  I had found this feature REALLY useful and 
> wondered why it is no longer available.  Also, when adding time, it 
> would be nice if I could enter '.' instead of ':' since it is quicker 
> and easier to enter 14.15 than 14:15. 
> - Not related to MLO v3.  When I pin the Workspace tab, the tab 
> contracts to a very blank narrow tab without the tab names.  Is this 
> what it is was designed to be or just an oversight? 
> Overall, the best improvements for me is the workspace tabs allowing 
> to let me have pre-defined views, plus the "Open in new window" 
> function.  Simple as the changes maybe, I know it takes a lot of time 
> and hard work to achieve this. 
> Thanks. 

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