The list reject my trace (it was too large),  so here is a smaller
one!  Stops after info from first top starts showing CPU usage of 99%

Hi Tim,  I just had it happen.  Overall average 14 queries per second
on this machine.  Single CPU Kernel Dell 2400 600MHZ  FreeBSD-stable
from January.  Almost generic kernel.  I have attahced some output
from truss,  followed by 'top' followed by the stop and start of
mysql,  followed by the output from 'top' again.  Hope this helps


Ken Menzel  ICQ# 9325188  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pread(0x186,0x18563010,0x2a9,0x0,0x4bb094,0x0)   = 681 (0x2a9)
lseek(173,0x1b20,0)                              = 6944 (0x1b20)
read(0xad,0xbf515028,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xad,0x187e5018,0x33,0x0,0x1b2d,0x0)       = 51 (0x33)
lseek(173,0x1b74,0)                              = 7028 (0x1b74)
read(0xad,0xbf515028,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xad,0x187e504b,0x17,0x0,0x1b78,0x0)       = 23 (0x17)
pread(0x186,0x18563010,0x2a9,0x0,0x2cac03,0x0)   = 681 (0x2a9)
gettimeofday(0x2828a568,0x0)                     = 0 (0x0)
sigprocmask(0x3,0x2828a5d8,0x0)                  = 0 (0x0)
sigaltstack(0x282a5c20,0x0)                      = 0 (0x0)
poll(0x8212000,0x54,0x0)                         = 0 (0x0)
sigreturn(0x182a1864)                            = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a09f,0x9,0x0,0x4f777,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x4f758,0)                             = 325464 (0x4f758)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0a8,0x9,0x0,0x4f763,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x5ae64,0)                             = 372324 (0x5ae64)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0b1,0xd,0x0,0x5ae68,0x0)       = 13 (0xd)
lseek(229,0x4963c,0)                             = 300604 (0x4963c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xcf,0x0,0x49640,0x0)      = 207 (0xcf)
lseek(229,0x4a1e8,0)                             = 303592 (0x4a1e8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xb5,0x0,0x4a1eb,0x0)      = 181 (0xb5)
lseek(229,0x45d30,0)                             = 286000 (0x45d30)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xa3,0x0,0x45d3d,0x0)      = 163 (0xa3)
lseek(229,0x502c0,0)                             = 328384 (0x502c0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0bb,0xc,0x0,0x502c4,0x0)       = 12 (0xc)
lseek(229,0x4cb20,0)                             = 314144 (0x4cb20)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xcb,0x0,0x4cb2d,0x0)      = 203 (0xcb)
lseek(229,0x5aec4,0)                             = 372420 (0x5aec4)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0e3,0xd,0x0,0x5aec8,0x0)       = 13 (0xd)
lseek(229,0x48018,0)                             = 294936 (0x48018)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x90,0x0,0x4801c,0x0)      = 144 (0x90)
lseek(229,0x4798c,0)                             = 293260 (0x4798c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xb3,0x0,0x47999,0x0)      = 179 (0xb3)
lseek(229,0x502fc,0)                             = 328444 (0x502fc)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0cb,0x1d,0x0,0x50307,0x0)      = 29 (0x1d)
lseek(229,0x4f744,0)                             = 325444 (0x4f744)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0e8,0x9,0x0,0x4f74f,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x502e8,0)                             = 328424 (0x502e8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0f1,0x9,0x0,0x502f3,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x502d4,0)                             = 328404 (0x502d4)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0fa,0x9,0x0,0x502df,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x4f730,0)                             = 325424 (0x4f730)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a103,0x9,0x0,0x4f73b,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x502ac,0)                             = 328364 (0x502ac)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a10c,0x9,0x0,0x502b7,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x4f71c,0)                             = 325404 (0x4f71c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a115,0xc,0x0,0x4f720,0x0)       = 12 (0xc)
lseek(229,0x1d8c8,0)                             = 121032 (0x1d8c8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xdb,0x0,0x1d8d5,0x0)      = 219 (0xdb)
lseek(229,0x367f4,0)                             = 223220 (0x367f4)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0f3,0x10,0x0,0x367f8,0x0)      = 16 (0x10)
lseek(229,0x486c0,0)                             = 296640 (0x486c0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xad,0x0,0x486c4,0x0)      = 173 (0xad)
lseek(229,0x4b01c,0)                             = 307228 (0x4b01c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xb5,0x0,0x4b01f,0x0)      = 181 (0xb5)
lseek(229,0x48dc8,0)                             = 298440 (0x48dc8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xab,0x0,0x48dd5,0x0)      = 171 (0xab)
lseek(229,0x5b7f0,0)                             = 374768 (0x5b7f0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0c3,0x9,0x0,0x5b7fb,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x5b818,0)                             = 374808 (0x5b818)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0cc,0xd,0x0,0x5b81c,0x0)       = 13 (0xd)
lseek(229,0x2f5cc,0)                             = 193996 (0x2f5cc)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
gettimeofday(0x2828a568,0x0)                     = 0 (0x0)
sigprocmask(0x3,0x2828a5d8,0x0)                  = 0 (0x0)
sigaltstack(0x282a5c20,0x0)                      = 0 (0x0)
poll(0x8212000,0x54,0x0)                         = 0 (0x0)
sigreturn(0x182a1864)                            = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xaa,0x0,0x2f5d0,0x0)      = 170 (0xaa)
lseek(229,0x1b674,0)                             = 112244 (0x1b674)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xdb,0x0,0x1b681,0x0)      = 219 (0xdb)
lseek(229,0x534cc,0)                             = 341196 (0x534cc)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0f3,0xe,0x0,0x534d0,0x0)       = 14 (0xe)
lseek(229,0x10064,0)                             = 65636 (0x10064)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xc8,0x0,0x10068,0x0)      = 200 (0xc8)
lseek(229,0x5960,0)                              = 22880 (0x5960)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xaf,0x0,0x5964,0x0)       = 175 (0xaf)
lseek(229,0x1d3f8,0)                             = 119800 (0x1d3f8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xe3,0x0,0x1d3fc,0x0)      = 227 (0xe3)
lseek(229,0x2f770,0)                             = 194416 (0x2f770)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x9b,0x0,0x2f77d,0x0)      = 155 (0x9b)
lseek(229,0x5bac0,0)                             = 375488 (0x5bac0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0b3,0xe,0x0,0x5bac4,0x0)       = 14 (0xe)
lseek(229,0x1ca5c,0)                             = 117340 (0x1ca5c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x9b,0x0,0x1ca60,0x0)      = 155 (0x9b)
lseek(229,0x1e6f8,0)                             = 124664 (0x1e6f8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xb7,0x0,0x1e6fc,0x0)      = 183 (0xb7)
lseek(229,0x58f58,0)                             = 364376 (0x58f58)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x63,0x0,0x58f65,0x0)      = 99 (0x63)
lseek(229,0x591b0,0)                             = 364976 (0x591b0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a07b,0x9,0x0,0x591bb,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x3611c,0)                             = 221468 (0x3611c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a084,0x9,0x0,0x36127,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x5a7e4,0)                             = 370660 (0x5a7e4)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a08d,0x9,0x0,0x5a7ef,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x5a91c,0)                             = 370972 (0x5a91c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a096,0x29,0x0,0x5a927,0x0)      = 41 (0x29)
lseek(229,0x5ac08,0)                             = 371720 (0x5ac08)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0bf,0x9,0x0,0x5ac13,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x5ad88,0)                             = 372104 (0x5ad88)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0c8,0xa,0x0,0x5ad8c,0x0)       = 10 (0xa)
lseek(229,0x5a7f8,0)                             = 370680 (0x5a7f8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x7b,0x0,0x5a805,0x0)      = 123 (0x7b)
lseek(229,0x5a908,0)                             = 370952 (0x5a908)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a093,0x9,0x0,0x5a913,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x5a950,0)                             = 371024 (0x5a950)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a09c,0x21,0x0,0x5a95b,0x0)      = 33 (0x21)
lseek(229,0x5ac1c,0)                             = 371740 (0x5ac1c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0bd,0x9,0x0,0x5ac27,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x5ad60,0)                             = 372064 (0x5ad60)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0c6,0xb,0x0,0x5ad64,0x0)       = 11 (0xb)
lseek(229,0x5a880,0)                             = 370816 (0x5a880)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x7b,0x0,0x5a88d,0x0)      = 123 (0x7b)
lseek(229,0x5a97c,0)                             = 371068 (0x5a97c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a093,0x31,0x0,0x5a987,0x0)      = 49 (0x31)
lseek(229,0x5ac30,0)                             = 371760 (0x5ac30)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0c4,0x10,0x0,0x5ac34,0x0)      = 16 (0x10)
lseek(229,0x5ac6c,0)                             = 371820 (0x5ac6c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xa3,0x0,0x5ac79,0x0)      = 163 (0xa3)
lseek(229,0x5ad30,0)                             = 372016 (0x5ad30)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0bb,0x11,0x0,0x5ad3b,0x0)      = 17 (0x11)
lseek(229,0x51cd4,0)                             = 335060 (0x51cd4)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0cc,0xc,0x0,0x51cd8,0x0)       = 12 (0xc)
lseek(229,0x323e4,0)                             = 205796 (0x323e4)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xf3,0x0,0x323f1,0x0)      = 243 (0xf3)
lseek(229,0x362f8,0)                             = 221944 (0x362f8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a10b,0x9,0x0,0x36303,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x36808,0)                             = 223240 (0x36808)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a114,0xf,0x0,0x3680c,0x0)       = 15 (0xf)
lseek(229,0x324e4,0)                             = 206052 (0x324e4)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xff,0x0,0x324f1,0x0)      = 255 (0xff)
lseek(229,0x4f67c,0)                             = 325244 (0x4f67c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a117,0x9,0x0,0x4f687,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x52bbc,0)                             = 338876 (0x52bbc)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a120,0x10,0x0,0x52bc0,0x0)      = 16 (0x10)
lseek(229,0x325f0,0)                             = 206320 (0x325f0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xf7,0x0,0x325fd,0x0)      = 247 (0xf7)
lseek(229,0x3630c,0)                             = 221964 (0x3630c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a10f,0x9,0x0,0x36317,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x51d6c,0)                             = 335212 (0x51d6c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a118,0x9,0x0,0x51d77,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x36830,0)                             = 223280 (0x36830)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a121,0x11,0x0,0x36833,0x0)      = 17 (0x11)
lseek(229,0x326f4,0)                             = 206580 (0x326f4)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xc3,0x0,0x32701,0x0)      = 195 (0xc3)
lseek(229,0x36320,0)                             = 221984 (0x36320)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0db,0x9,0x0,0x3632b,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x531e8,0)                             = 340456 (0x531e8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0e4,0x11,0x0,0x531eb,0x0)      = 17 (0x11)
lseek(229,0x4e2f0,0)                             = 320240 (0x4e2f0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xa7,0x0,0x4e2fd,0x0)      = 167 (0xa7)
lseek(229,0x5a77c,0)                             = 370556 (0x5a77c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0bf,0x9,0x0,0x5a787,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x5ab40,0)                             = 371520 (0x5ab40)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0c8,0x9,0x0,0x5ab4b,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x5d608,0)                             = 382472 (0x5d608)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0d1,0xe,0x0,0x5d60c,0x0)       = 14 (0xe)
lseek(229,0xdde4,0)                              = 56804 (0xdde4)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x9d,0x0,0xdde7,0x0)       = 157 (0x9d)
lseek(229,0x18614,0)                             = 99860 (0x18614)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xbd,0x0,0x18617,0x0)      = 189 (0xbd)
lseek(229,0x1e200,0)                             = 123392 (0x1e200)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xc2,0x0,0x1e204,0x0)      = 194 (0xc2)
lseek(229,0x25510,0)                             = 152848 (0x25510)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x9b,0x0,0x2551d,0x0)      = 155 (0x9b)
lseek(229,0x58660,0)                             = 362080 (0x58660)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0b3,0xd,0x0,0x58664,0x0)       = 13 (0xd)
lseek(229,0x29bd0,0)                             = 170960 (0x29bd0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xaf,0x0,0x29bd4,0x0)      = 175 (0xaf)
lseek(229,0x3a514,0)                             = 238868 (0x3a514)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xcf,0x0,0x3a521,0x0)      = 207 (0xcf)
lseek(229,0x4f780,0)                             = 325504 (0x4f780)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0e7,0xd,0x0,0x4f784,0x0)       = 13 (0xd)
lseek(229,0x4c778,0)                             = 313208 (0x4c778)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xab,0x0,0x4c785,0x0)      = 171 (0xab)
lseek(229,0x5b08c,0)                             = 372876 (0x5b08c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0c3,0xf,0x0,0x5b090,0x0)       = 15 (0xf)
lseek(229,0xe36c,0)                              = 58220 (0xe36c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xc9,0x0,0xe36f,0x0)       = 201 (0xc9)
lseek(229,0x5d1b0,0)                             = 381360 (0x5d1b0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xa7,0x0,0x5d1bd,0x0)      = 167 (0xa7)
lseek(229,0x5d264,0)                             = 381540 (0x5d264)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0bf,0x9,0x0,0x5d26f,0x0)       = 9 (0x9)
lseek(229,0x5d3d8,0)                             = 381912 (0x5d3d8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0c8,0xd,0x0,0x5d3dc,0x0)       = 13 (0xd)
lseek(229,0x30a2c,0)                             = 199212 (0x30a2c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xaa,0x0,0x30a30,0x0)      = 170 (0xaa)
lseek(229,0x30978,0)                             = 199032 (0x30978)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xb0,0x0,0x3097c,0x0)      = 176 (0xb0)
lseek(229,0x139e0,0)                             = 80352 (0x139e0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xc4,0x0,0x139e4,0x0)      = 196 (0xc4)
lseek(229,0x43df0,0)                             = 278000 (0x43df0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xbf,0x0,0x43dfd,0x0)      = 191 (0xbf)
lseek(229,0x58590,0)                             = 361872 (0x58590)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0d7,0x18,0x0,0x58594,0x0)      = 24 (0x18)
lseek(229,0x56a24,0)                             = 354852 (0x56a24)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xa3,0x0,0x56a28,0x0)      = 163 (0xa3)
lseek(229,0x1c50c,0)                             = 115980 (0x1c50c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xa3,0x0,0x1c510,0x0)      = 163 (0xa3)
lseek(229,0x31efc,0)                             = 204540 (0x31efc)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x9c,0x0,0x31f00,0x0)      = 156 (0x9c)
lseek(229,0x10b18,0)                             = 68376 (0x10b18)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x98,0x0,0x10b1c,0x0)      = 152 (0x98)
lseek(229,0x2c870,0)                             = 182384 (0x2c870)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x9f,0x0,0x2c87d,0x0)      = 159 (0x9f)
lseek(229,0x365e0,0)                             = 222688 (0x365e0)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0b7,0xf,0x0,0x365e4,0x0)       = 15 (0xf)
lseek(229,0x1b47c,0)                             = 111740 (0x1b47c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x10f,0x0,0x1b489,0x0)     = 271 (0x10f)
lseek(229,0x5cfe8,0)                             = 380904 (0x5cfe8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a127,0xb,0x0,0x5cfec,0x0)       = 11 (0xb)
lseek(229,0x2c308,0)                             = 181000 (0x2c308)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x99,0x0,0x2c30c,0x0)      = 153 (0x99)
lseek(229,0xf79c,0)                              = 63388 (0xf79c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x84,0x0,0xf7a0,0x0)       = 132 (0x84)
lseek(229,0x85cc,0)                              = 34252 (0x85cc)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xb5,0x0,0x85cf,0x0)       = 181 (0xb5)
lseek(229,0x55eb4,0)                             = 351924 (0x55eb4)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xab,0x0,0x55ec1,0x0)      = 171 (0xab)
lseek(229,0x518f8,0)                             = 334072 (0x518f8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0c3,0xe,0x0,0x518fc,0x0)       = 14 (0xe)
lseek(229,0xf230,0)                              = 62000 (0xf230)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xb2,0x0,0xf234,0x0)       = 178 (0xb2)
lseek(229,0xf2e8,0)                              = 62184 (0xf2e8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xb2,0x0,0xf2ec,0x0)       = 178 (0xb2)
lseek(229,0x53690,0)                             = 341648 (0x53690)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xab,0x0,0x5369d,0x0)      = 171 (0xab)
lseek(229,0x5390c,0)                             = 342284 (0x5390c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0c3,0xd,0x0,0x53910,0x0)       = 13 (0xd)
lseek(229,0x3c378,0)                             = 246648 (0x3c378)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0x9f,0x0,0x3c385,0x0)      = 159 (0x9f)
lseek(229,0x41d84,0)                             = 269700 (0x41d84)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a0b7,0x10,0x0,0x41d88,0x0)      = 16 (0x10)
lseek(229,0x2d4c,0)                              = 11596 (0x2d4c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xba,0x0,0x2d50,0x0)       = 186 (0xba)
lseek(229,0xcea8,0)                              = 52904 (0xcea8)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xa5,0x0,0xceab,0x0)       = 165 (0xa5)
lseek(229,0x1e858,0)                             = 125016 (0x1e858)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xae,0x0,0x1e85c,0x0)      = 174 (0xae)
lseek(229,0x4624c,0)                             = 287308 (0x4624c)
read(0xe5,0xbf39ef98,0x14)                       = 20 (0x14)
pread(0xe5,0x1843a018,0xa5,0x0,0x46250,0x0)      ò^Ckes#
kes# ps -ax
    0  ??  DLs    0:04.22  (swapper)
    1  ??  ILs    0:00.09 /sbin/init --
    2  ??  DL     0:43.10  (pagedaemon)
    3  ??  DL     0:00.00  (vmdaemon)
    4  ??  DL     0:52.62  (bufdaemon)
    5  ??  DL    20:00.92  (syncer)
   28  ??  Is     0:00.00 adjkerntz -i
  114  ??  Ss     0:15.81 syslogd -s
  119  ??  Is     0:00.01 /usr/sbin/portmap
  125  ??  Is     0:00.00 mountd -r
  128  ??  Is     0:00.00 nfsd: master (nfsd)
  130  ??  I      0:00.00 nfsd: server (nfsd)
  131  ??  I      0:00.00 nfsd: server (nfsd)
  132  ??  I      0:00.00 nfsd: server (nfsd)
  133  ??  I      0:00.00 nfsd: server (nfsd)
  136  ??  Is     0:00.01 rpc.statd
  140  ??  I      0:00.00 nfsiod -n 4
  141  ??  I      0:00.00 nfsiod -n 4
  142  ??  I      0:00.00 nfsiod -n 4
  143  ??  I      0:00.00 nfsiod -n 4
  162  ??  Is     0:00.15 inetd -wW
  164  ??  Is     0:19.34 cron
  167  ??  Is     0:27.85 sendmail: accepting connections (sendmail)
  171  ??  Is     0:07.12 /usr/sbin/sshd
  189  ??  Is     0:00.02 moused -p /dev/psm0 -t auto
 1209  ??  Ss     0:08.07 telnetd
 2765  ??  Is     0:00.02 telnetd
 1210  p0  Is     0:00.03 -bash (bash)
 1490  p0  S      0:00.05 _su (csh)
 2779  p0  R+     0:00.00 ps -ax
 2766  p1  Is     0:00.02 -bash (bash)
 2767  p1  I      0:00.03 _su (csh)
 2770  p1  I+     0:00.02 _su (csh)
68752  p2- I      0:00.01 /bin/sh ./safe_mysqld --user=mysqladm
68800  p2- R    2598:45.94 /usr/local/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local --data
45988  v0  Is+    0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv0
14071  v1  Is+    0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv1
98601  v2  Is+    0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv2
98599  v3  Is+    0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv3
  235  v4  Is+    0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv4
  236  v5  Is+    0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv5
  237  v6  Is+    0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv6
  238  v7  Is+    0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv7
kes# top
last pid:  2780;  load averages:  0.77,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:57:58  10:44:58
37 processes:  2 running, 35 sleeping
CPU states:     % user,     % nice,     % system,     % interrupt,     % idle
Mem: 502M Active, 362M Inact, 84M Wired, 53M Cache, 112M Buf, 1780K Free
Swap: 2052M Total, 80K Used, 2052M Free

68800 mysqladm  49   0   282M   263M RUN     43.3H 53.03% 53.03% mysqld
 1209 root       2   0  2136K  1324K select   0:08  9.47%  9.47% telnetd
 2780 root      33   0  1884K  1000K RUN      0:00 17.00%  0.83% top
  167 root       2   0  2492K  1312K select   0:28  0.00%  0.00% sendmail
  164 root      10   0   968K   576K nanslp   0:19  0.00%  0.00% cron
  114 root       2   0   916K   540K select   0:16  0.00%  0.00% syslogd
  171 root       2   0  2168K   960K select   0:07  0.00%  0.00% sshd
  162 root       2   0  1032K   568K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% inetd
 1490 root      18   0  1344K   880K pause    0:00  0.00%  0.00% csh
 1210 sysadm    10   0  1028K   684K wait     0:00  0.00%  0.00% bash
 2767 root      18   0  1344K   880K pause    0:00  0.00%  0.00% csh
 2766 sysadm    10   0  1024K   680K wait     0:00  0.00%  0.00% bash
 2770 root       3   0  1344K   876K ttyin    0:00  0.00%  0.00% csh
 2765 root       2   0  2132K  1184K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% telnetd
  189 root       2   0   884K   416K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% moused
  119 daemon     2   0   932K   484K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% portmap
68752 root      10   0   640K   260K wait     0:00  0.00%  0.00% sh
last pid:  2783;  load averages:  0.78,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:58:00  10:45:00
Mem: 502M Active, 362M Inact, 84M Wired, 53M Cache, 112M Buf, 2000K Free
Swap: 2052M Total, 80K Used, 2052M Free
last pid:  2783;  load averages:  0.78,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:58:02  10:45:02
Mem: 502M Active, 362M Inact, 84M Wired, 53M Cache, 112M Buf, 1924K Free
Swap: 2052M Total, 80K Used, 2052M Free
last pid:  2783;  load averages:  0.78,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:58:04  10:45:04
Mem: 502M Active, 362M Inact, 84M Wired, 53M Cache, 112M Buf, 1844K Free
Swap: 2052M Total, 80K Used, 2052M Free
last pid:  2783;  load averages:  0.80,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:58:06  10:45:06
Mem: 502M Active, 362M Inact, 84M Wired, 53M Cache, 112M Buf, 1756K Free
Swap: 2052M Total, 80K Used, 2052M Free
last pid:  2783;  load averages:  0.80,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:58:08  10:45:08
Mem: 502M Active, 363M Inact, 84M Wired, 53M Cache, 112M Buf, 1664K Free
Swap: 2052M Total, 80K Used, 2052M Free
last pid:  2783;  load averages:  0.82,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:58:10  10:45:10
Mem: 502M Active, 363M Inact, 84M Wired, 52M Cache, 112M Buf, 1664K Free
Swap: 2052M Total, 80K Used, 2052M Free
last pid:  2783;  load averages:  0.82,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:58:12  10:45:12
CPU states: 32.3% user,  0.0% nice, 65.0% system,  1.6% interrupt,  1.2% idle
Mem: 502M Active, 363M Inact, 84M Wired, 52M Cache, 112M Buf, 1664K Free
Swap: 2052M Total, 80K Used, 2052M Free
last pid:  2783;  load averages:  0.82,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:58:14  10:45:14
CPU states: 40.9% user,  0.0% nice, 57.2% system,  0.0% interrupt,  1.9% idle
Mem: 502M Active, 363M Inact, 84M Wired, 52M Cache, 112M Buf, 1664K Free
Swap: 2052M Total, 80K Used, 2052M Free
last pid:  2783;  load averages:  0.83,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:58:16  10:45:16
CPU states: 39.1% user,  0.0% nice, 58.1% system,  0.8% interrupt,  1.9% idle
Mem: 502M Active, 363M Inact, 84M Wired, 52M Cache, 112M Buf, 1664K Free
Swap: 2052M Total, 80K Used, 2052M Free
last pid:  2783;  load averages:  0.83,  0.89,  0.78   up 78+01:58:18  10:45:18
CPU states: 40.9% user,  0.0% nice, 55.3% system,  1.2% interrupt,  2.7% idle
Mem: 502M Active, 363M Inact, 84M Wired, 52M Cache, 112M Buf, 1664K Free
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