Thanks for the reply Brad, in that case I think I will stick with mysql as
it seems more people use mysql in the cold fusion community at present,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Tilley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: Difference between PostgreSQL and MySQL

> EWAGW wrote:
> > Hi all, mr.super newbie here, what is the best for cold fusion
> > I know that NASA uses MySQL but I have also been told that more
> > 'professionals'(???) use PostgreSQL. Let the flaming begin!!
> No need for flames. I think the two are converging.
> PostgreSQL started out with a focus on being full-featured and as
> powerful as Oracle. MySQL started out with a focus on being fast and
> small. Today, PostgreSQL is as full-featured as ever, and guess what...
> it's becoming faster too. MySQL is still fast, but it's adding more and
> more features. They are approaching the asme point... they just started
> on different ends of the spectrum. Five years from now, IMO, there'll be
> little if any difference.
> --
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