No, Shawn's answer is correct. You are starting from a false assumption. You are expecting that MAX(closedate) corresponds to a row. It does not. Consider the table

  sym val  note
  --- ---  ----
  AAA   2   one
  AAA   2   two
  AAA   4   three
  AAA   6   four
  AAA  12   five
  AAA   7   six
  AAA  12   seven
  BBB   1   eight
  BBB   2   nine
  BBB   3   ten

Now consider the query

  SELECT sym, note, MAX(val), MIN(val), AVG(val)
  FROM stuff
  GROUP BY sym;

Which row should be returned for sym='AAA'? Do you see the problem? It is clear that, for sym=AAA, MIN(val) is 2, MAX(val) is 12, and AVG(val) is about 6.43. Which row is that? The answer is that it's not a row. MAX(), MIN(), and AVG() are aggregate functions. They do not return rows, they return summary stats about a set of rows.

Many dbs wouldn't even allow a query like that, because we are asking for a column not included in the GROUP BY. Mysql allows that, but the manual warns that it is pointless to do so if the extra column does not have a unique value per group <>.

Finding the notes which correspond to the maximum val is fundamentally a 2 step process. First you must find the maximum val, then you must find the rows(s) which have that val. This is what Shawn was telling you.

The manual suggests 3 ways to solve this problem <>. The most efficient solution, and the one that works in all versions of mysql, is to use a temporary table, as Shawn described. As you have mysql 4.1, you could accomplish the same thing with a subquery. In your case, that would be

  SELECT close_date, symbol, name
  FROM TD t1
  WHERE close_date = (SELECT MAX(t2.close_date)
                      FROM TD t2
                      WHERE t1.symbol = t2.symbol)
  AND symbol IN (<list of characters>);

Note that this is still really a 2 step process. The subquery handles the first step, finding the max close_date, while the parent query handles step 2, finding the matching rows.

There is a third way, the MAX-CONCAT trick. It does it in one query without subqueries, and is very inefficient. See the manual for the details.

In other words, this wasn't such a simple query, after all.


Jeff Mathis wrote:

we really don't want to issue two queries. this should be able to be done in one, and without using temp tables, but maybe not.

thanks for the help though


It takes two steps: first determine the max(closedate) for each symbol, then use those results to get the name field. You could do this with a subquery (both steps in the one statement) because you are using a version of MySQL > 4.0.0 but here is a temp table implementation that will work with just about anyone.

SELECT symbol, max(close_date) as last_date
WHERE symbol in (<list of symbols>)
GROUP BY symbol;

SELECT ts.symbol, ts.last_date,
FROM tmpSymbols ts
        ON TD.symbol = ts.symbol
        AND TD.close_date = ts.last_date;

Shawn Green Database Administrator Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

Jeff Mathis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/14/2004 02:22:32 PM:

hello query gurus.

we have a table TD with the following columns:


close_date is just a date field

there is a unique constraint on the combination of close_date and


what we want is the value for the name field corresponding to the row with the most recent close_date.

something like this:

select max(close_date), symbol, name from TD where symbol in (<list of characters>) group by symbol;

this returns the max close_date value, but the name that is returned is garbage and seems to point to the earliest row in the table.

any suggestions?


ps we're using mysql 4.1.3 with the innodb engine

-- Jeff Mathis, Ph.D. 505-955-1434 Prediction Company [EMAIL PROTECTED] 525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6 Santa Fe, NM 87505

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