Dear Sir/Madam and mysql users,

I have a mysql database which i can fill with phpadmin, everything is going fine, but 
when I want to fill the database with php and a form. I got the following problem. I 
don't know what to do anymore? Can anyone help me?

I have made a form, which visitors can fill in, with a php-script I send the 
information to the database. There is a database connection, but the information isn't 
put in the database. When I try to this with phpadmin everything is going fine, but 
with the user form not. 

I have put the code under this message, if anyone can help me, I hope to hear from him 
or her by e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Require ('connect2.php');
$sqlquery="INSERT INTO Lid (Achternaam, Voornaam, Adres, Postcode, Woonplaats, 
Telefoonnummer, Emailadres, Geslacht, Geboortedatum, Studentennummer, Hogeschool, 
Opleiding, Studiejaar, Soortlid, Vereniging, Stage, Stageplaats, Stageduur, 
Gratissport1, Gratissport2, Gratissport3, Extrasport1, Extrasport2, Extrasport3) 

print "<HTML><TITLE> HBOSPORT Inschrijving </TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\"><center><table border=\"0\"width=\"500\"><tr><td>";
print "<p><font face=\"verdana\" size=\"+0\"> <center>You
Just send This Information to HBOSPORT<p><blockquote>";
print "Naam : $Achternaam<p>
Voornaam : $Voornaam<p>
Adres :$Adres
Postcode :$Postcode
Woonplaats :$Woonplaats
Gebdatum :$Gebdatum
Soort Lid :$Soortlid
Hogeschool :$Hogeschool
Collegekaart :$Collegekaart
Studierichting :$Studierichting
Studiejaar :$Studiejaar
Stage JA/NEE :$Stage
Stageplaats :$Stageplaats
Stageduur :$Stageduur
<h3>Gratis sport</h3>
Belangstelling voor: :$Keuze1
Belangstelling voor: :$Keuze2
Belangstelling voor: :$Keuze3
<h3>Betaalde sport</h3>
Belangstelling voor: :$Keuze4
Belangstelling voor: :$Keuze5
Belangstelling voor: :$Keuze6

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