MySQL General List,

   Server specifications:
   MySQL 4.1.3-beta, phpMyAdmin 2.5.7-pl1, PHP 4.3.8
   My specifications:
   MySQL beginner, PHP intermediate, HTML and CSS advanced.

   The situation:
I have recently installed a forum ( ) on my web site. I already have about 150 users on my site, and I want to transplant their information from their current table into the members table used by the forum. With many of the necessary fields, this means I have to take the format of the current data and put it into a the new field with a different format.

   The Questions:
In the following 5 cases, will it be safe to copy data directly, or will there be data loss or scrambling:

1. In the first case, the id number for the original table is an INT, with a length of 11. In the target table, it's a MEDIUMINT with a length of 8. Since I only have 150 members starting at an id of 1, I'm assuming I can just copy the numbers without fear of truncation

2. The username in the source table is a VARCHAR with a length of 80, but the destination has a length of 16. What will happen to the data in the destination table if it's longer than 16? Will it be truncated or rejected?

3. The third case I'm a little confused about. In the source table, I have a field for recording the date that the member joined. This is stored in DATE format. The destination table uses a simple INT with a length of 10. I this is a Unix time stamp format, because according to the forum web site, you can access it from PHP using the time() function. So would the command be something like: COPY DATE(members.joindate) TO UNIX_TIMESTAMP(forum_members.dateRegistered)

4. For storing email addresses, the source table uses a VARCHAR field with a length of 100. In the destination it's a TINYTEXT. If I understand correctly, TINYTEXT should hold 256 characters, so there should be enough room.

5. The last case I need to combine two fields into one. The source table uses seperate fields for first name and last name, and each is a VARCHAR with a length of 100. In the destination table, first and last names are stored in the same field, with a TINYTEXT format. However, despite the fact that I've looked up "combine fields" and "concatenate fields" on Google, I can't find instructions on how to do that in reference to merging two fields into one, or copying from one field to another. All the references I found are for querying the database, combining data at the point of user input. How do I combine two fields from one table, and put them into another?

   Any assistance is much appreciated. Thank you.


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