Hi all,
I am experiencing some issues with Full-Text and was hoping someone could
shed some light on the following.
I have some content which I know contains for example the word "news", the
table is MyISAM, the column type is LONGTEXT, there is an index on the
column of FULLTEXT.
I have adjusted the system variables so that the minimum word length is 2
(ft_min_word_len = 2) and the stop word file is set to (ft_stopword_file =
Can anyone tell me why it is not picking up the word news plus some others?
I have verified that the system picked up the new variable settings with
I have also deleted everything in that table and reinserted the content,
which I hope rebuilds the table?
Other words that do not appear are;
- dealer
- sign in
- contact
I have verified that it returns other results, i.e. when searching on words
- headline
- engineering
- user
- her
The query is as below
SELECT    I.indexIdentity
      , I.webpageIdentity
      , I.content
      , I.indexDate
      , MATCH ( I.content ) AGAINST ( '#form.searchString#' ) AS score
      , W.universalResourceLocator
      , W.title
  FROM    tbl_index I
  INNER JOIN   tbl_webpage W
  ON     I.webpageIdentity = W.webpageIdentity
  WHERE    MATCH ( I.content ) AGAINST ( '#form.searchString#' )
  ORDER BY   score DESC;
The content is text I gathered from our webpages, I am basically trying to
create a site search.
Any help is much appreciated.
Kind regards,

Taco Fleur 

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