On 6/21/06, Fredrik Andersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all

I have problems getting MySQL autoboot on my RedHat installation. I have
tried to add the mysql.server start script from the install dir to the
system with chkconfig --add mysql (I copied it to /etc/init.d/) and then
trying to add mysql to the default boot order with chkconfig mysql on
but no luck there.

I have even tried to edit rc.local with the commands service mysql start
(this work when I run it myself) and mysqld -u mysql ...

The log file says that mysql has been started and then ended directly

060621 13:12:29 mysqld started
060621 13:12:33 mysqld ended

Anyone that have any tip on how to solve this?

I can add that chkconfig -- list | grep mysql tells me that MySQL has
been configured to run on boot levels 3,4 and 5 correctly and go down on
1,2 and 6 but still it refuses to work. =(

Version being used is, RHEL 4.3 and MySQL 5.0.22

All help is greatly appreciated.

OK, I have an old RH here, maybe I can help.
Check if you have /etc/init.d/mysql file and that it has proper
permissions i.e: -rwxr-xr-x
Check your /etc/rc.d/rc#.d dirs (where # is the number of the level)
and that they have symlinks to your /etc/init.d/mysql file.
If they are not there...

ln -s /etc/init.d/mysql /etc/rc.d/rc#.d/S90mysql

One time for each of the runlevels where you want mysql on. Note that
I put S90 so I don't accidently confuse it with the real init script.

Good luck,

PS: That's why I love Gentoo. "rc-update add mysql default" and voilá, its done.

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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