Probably a permissions issue. Ensure that the directory in which the pid file is created (I believe /var/run or /var/lib/mysql on RH) has write permission for the mysql system user/group. Also, ensure permissions/ownership on the datadir (/var/lib/mysql) for the mysql owner/group.

Fredrik Andersson wrote:
Hi all

I have problems getting MySQL autoboot on my RedHat installation. I have
tried to add the mysql.server start script from the install dir to the
system with chkconfig --add mysql (I copied it to /etc/init.d/) and then
trying to add mysql to the default boot order with chkconfig mysql on
but no luck there.

I have even tried to edit rc.local with the commands service mysql start
(this work when I run it myself) and mysqld -u mysql ...

The log file says that mysql has been started and then ended directly

060621 13:12:29 mysqld started
060621 13:12:33 mysqld ended

Anyone that have any tip on how to solve this?

I can add that chkconfig -- list | grep mysql tells me that MySQL has
been configured to run on boot levels 3,4 and 5 correctly and go down on
1,2 and 6 but still it refuses to work. =(

Version being used is, RHEL 4.3 and MySQL 5.0.22

All help is greatly appreciated.

Jay Pipes
Community Relations Manager, North America, MySQL Inc.
Roaming North America, based in Columbus, Ohio
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        mob: +1 614 406 1267

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