Not to ask a perhaps silly question, but are you specifically trying to use
mysqldump, or just get a backup copy of your databases? 

If you just want to back them up download MySQL Administrator -> GUI = fun &
easy... :) (Download MySQL GUI Tools - about half way
down the page)

Ben Wiechman

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Josack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 6:50 AM
To: Red Hope
Subject: Re: mysql dump help!

Red Hope wrote:
> I'm curious about one thing. When I go into MySQL
> folder on the hard drive. I go into the 'bin' folder,
> should there be an .exe program called mysqldump? or
> not?
> Lillian
> --- Carlos Proal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yep, good for you, welcome to the "real" world
>> You are changing the prompt but are still inside the
>> dbms, you need to 
>> get out, because mysqldump is an application (.exe
>> file) not a sql 
>> command, ie
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ;
>> or \g.
>> Your MySQL connection id is 9
>> Server version: 5.0.41-community-nt-log MySQL
>> Community Edition (GPL)
>> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear
>> the buffer.
>> mysql>
>> mysql> quit
>> Bye
>> D:\lillian>mysqldump -u root -ppassword test >
>> test.sql;
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> but maybe after the quit, the window will close, if
>> that happens, open a 
>> new command prompt from "start -> programs ->
>> accesories --> command 
>> prompt" and then run mysqldump
>> Carlos
>> Red Hope wrote:
>>> Hey y'all,
>>> I use charming Windows XP on here. I've taken
>> database
>>> classes but lucky for me we never used *real*
>> MySQL.
>>> Below I typed up exactly what I put into the MySQL
>>> prompt and this is what it kicks back to me.
>>> Lillian
>>> mysql> 
>>> mysql> \R shell>
>>> PROMPT set to 'shell>'
>>> shell> 
>>> shell>mysqldump -u root -ppassword test >
>> test.sql;
>>> ERROR 1064 <4200>: You have an error in your SQL
>>> syntax; checkthe manual that corresponds to your
>> MySQL
>>> server version for the right syntax to use near
>>> 'mysqldump -u root -ppassword test > test.sql' at
>> line
>>> 1
>>> --- Carlos Proal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Can you email us the complete command and the
>> error
>>>> ?
>>>> Carlos
>>>> Red Hope wrote:
>>>>> Well, that went over my head.  :)  I understand
>>>> what
>>>>> you're telling me, how to get there, but not how
>>>> to do
>>>>> it. bleh. 
>>>>> When I start up MySQL Command Line Client, I'm
>>>> always
>>>>> prompted at "mysql>". So I told it to switch
>> from
>>>> that
>>>>> prompt to "shell>" prompt. It always starts up
>> in
>>>>> "mysql>" prompt. Once I'm in shell, I tried the
>>>> dump
>>>>> procedure and it kept saying it couldn't
>> connect.
>>>> So I
>>>>> checked what databases it had, it shows them. I
>>>> can't
>>>>> even switch to a database because of no
>>>> connection.
>>>>> I'm not exactly sure why there's no 'connection'
>>>> at
>>>>> all.
>>>>> Thanks for trying so hard, Carlos!
>>>>> Lillian  
>>>> -- 
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As far as i know there SHOULD be a mysqldump.exe in your mysql bin folder.

On windows it should be:
Start, Run, Type "cmd", Enter
At the Command Prompt cd to your MySQL directory. For Example: "cd 
C:\mysql\bin", Enter
then "mysqldump -u root -ppassword test > test.sql"", Enter

That will place that .sql file in that directory for now which you can 
move as you please through Explorer. You do NOT want to run this from 
the MySQL client. mysqldump is a completely separate program that is run 
from the Operating Systems command line.

I hope this helps. if not, just keep trying. you are very close.

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