On 10/26/07, Baron Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > mos wrote:
> >>
> >> The data is quite valuable because there is a lot of competition in
> >> this particular marketplace and my competitors would like to get their
> >> hands on it.  I've spent 5 years writing the software and generating
> >> the data. Let's say for the sake of argument the data is worth $1
> >> million. How do I stop my competitor from bribing some flunky at the
> >> ISP into turning over the backup of my data or just e-mailing the
> >> MySQL password file to him? Also I don't want anyone at the ISP
> >> viewing the data or changing it because I'd be liable for any data
> >> errors.
> >
> > Host the machines in-house. I think that could be done for less than a
> > million bucks for a smallish setup.
> >
> > Of course, I've only ever been a bystander with that sort of project, so
> > the figures may be a lot higher than I'm guessing. For instance, you'd
> > want a beefy connection installed, of course. And then there's the
> > salary for someone to administer to everything.
> I agree.  If you're using shared hosting, forget about encryption.
> Physical access to the machines ALWAYS trumps every other kind of
> security, so you can't do what you're trying to do (secure data in an
> insecure environment).  Rent a T1 line for $500/mo and charge customers
> what the data is worth.
> Baron

I also agree, however for the sake of argument could we assume that the
order of the wording in the entry probably imparts a significant amount of
it's value? If that is the case, I would think creating a second column of
unencrypted  text (with a full text index) which would be nothing more than
copy of the the text with the words in a random order might provide a bit of
the protection that the user is looking for.

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