I am in process of planning 32 to 64 migration as well. I googled the following, but it could be only relevant to a specific application:

It should be noted that, when switching between 32bit and 64bit server using
the same data-files, all the current major storage engines
(with one exception) are architecture neutral, both in endian-ness and bit size.
You should be  able to copy a 64-bit or 32-bit DB either way,
and even between platforms without problems for MyISAM, InnoDB and NDB.
For other  engines it doesn't matter (CSV, MEMORY, MERGE, BLACKHOLE and
FEDERATED) either the engine doesn't have a disk storage format or
the format they use is text based (CSV) or based on
MyISAM (MERGE; and therefore not an issue). The only exception is
Falcon, which is only available in MySQL 6.0.

It is generally recommended from MySQL that a dump and reload of
data for absolute compatibility for any engine and major migration.
The googled link: http://wikis.sun.com/display/WebStack/MySQL64bitARC

Any comments on this?


On Apr 25, 2008, at 12:03 PM, Olaf Stein wrote:

Probably not

AFAIK it should work in theory if you have no floating point columns but I
would not try it.
Why cant you take a dump, you can do it table by table, you will have some
downtime though.

One option might be to use a 64bit slave and make that the master and then
add more 64 slaves.

On 4/25/08 11:57 AM, "Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Olaf Stein
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> As long as you use dumps to restore your databases on the new 64bit system
>> (instead of the binary files) you should be fine
>> Olaf
> I have so much data that we can't take a mysqldump of our database. The > directory tared is about 18GB. I just use the other method by just copying > over the data directory. Do you think the data will be intact if a just copy
> over the data directory?

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