From: Edward S.P. Leong [] 
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 9:25 AM
To: Jerry Schwartz
Subject: Re: 32bit ( php + mysql server ) on 64bit Windows 2003 Server 


Jerry Schwartz wrote: 

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward S.P. Leong []
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:25 AM
Subject: 32bit ( php + mysql server ) on 64bit Windows 2003 Server 
Dear all,
Would you mind to give me the suggestion ?
I want to use 32bit php and mysql server on 64bit Windows 2003 Server...
So, is it possible ( good for work also ) ?

[JS] I'm using that combination on 64-bit Vista. The last time I checked, 
there was no 64-bit Windows build of PHP.
Besides, the database engine doesn't (shouldn't) care who it's talking to.

Dear Jerry,

In our exiting Server, it is running with 4.4.x php and 4.1.x MySQL in Windows 
2000 OS...
Now, we are planning to upgrade the Windows OS ( of course include Hardware )...
BUT I don't know which new version of php and MySQL is compatiable with the 
source code ( old ) of php and MySQL...
So, would you mind to share your experience with us(me) ?

[JS] Unfortunately, I’m not sure I can help you. Our databases were fairly 
small (under 2GB total), so I simply did a mysqldump from the old system 
(Linux) and imported it into the new one (Vista).


PHP is going to be more of a problem. There are some compatibility issues 
between 4.x and 5.x, and more between 4.x and 6.x. We were already running 5.x, 
so I didn’t have a lot of trouble with that. You can probably get things 
running, but I strongly suggest that you read up on the newer versions of PHP. 
There are some changes between 5.x and 5.y that you need to pay attention to.


The biggest issue will probably be the deprecation of short tags. There is a 
setting in php.ini that you can change to allow them.

Anyone can help the problem ?

Thanks !


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