From: Edward S.P. Leong [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 10:35 AM
To: Jerry Schwartz
Subject: Re: 32bit ( php + mysql server ) on 64bit Windows 2003 Server 


Jerry Schwartz wrote: 

Dear Jerry,
Sorry, did you suggest to use 5.x / 5.y ( NO 6.x ) ?

[JS] No, I am not saying that. The system I inherited was running 5.x, and I 
have not had the time nor urgent need to move upwards. There are some 
incompatibilities that I would have to deal with. For example, although short 
tags are deprecated in 5.x they are not allowed in 6.x; and the construct
<?= $something ?>
is not allowed. I would have to go through all of our source code with a 
fine-tooth comb to fix these.
We do run an international shop, with heavy use of UTF-8, so the 
internationalization features of PHP 6.x would be very useful.
If you have the time to fix up your PHP code, then I would suggest that you go 
to 6.x.

BTW, would you mind to tell me which newer version of php and mysql are
you running now ?
Due to I want to download a version of them and do the test under win2003...
Then, I want to tell(reply) you the result(stable)!

[JS] PHP 5.2.10, Apache 2.2.14 (Win32), MySQL 5.1.36-community

Dear Jerry,

Do you know which version of newer version of php which support the short tags 
( allowed ) ?
Or would you mind to tell me how to fix the problem of php source code and 
connect with mysql db ?

[JS] I believe that all 5.x versions of PHP support short tags, but there is a 
setting in php.ini that you have to set. 


As for your second question, I don’t know what you mean. With PHP 5.2.10, I’ve 
used the mysql, mysqli, and PDO interfaces in both procedural and 
object-oriented forms (just to stretch my mind). I think that anything in 4.x 
would be using the mysql interface, although I’m not positive. In any event, it 
probably is upward-compatible. You’ll want a decent text editor that can search 
for strings in multiple files, preferably one that can use regular expressions.


You really need to check the PHP documentation.

Thanks !


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