If you have lots of sleeping processes the chances are you have a poorly
written app that is not closing its database connections. Those sleeping
processes are just connections waiting for another command from the
application or whatever else initiated them.

The sleeping processes will not show up in the slow query log because they
are not slow queries and you cannot see the sql they are running because
they aren't running any.

If you need to prevent these building up (and you do because they will eat
away at system resources) you can add a wait_timeout option to your my.cnf /
my.ini file but the best way to control these is ensure your app closes its
connections when it is finished with them and do not use persistent
connections unless absolutely necessary



John Daisley

SQL Server 2005/2008 Database Administrator
Certified MySQL 5 Database Administrator
Certified MySQL 5 Developer
Cognos BI Developer

Telephone: +44 (0)7918 621621
Email: john.dais...@butterflysystems.co.uk


On 12 July 2010 16:39, Machiel Richards <machi...@rdc.co.za> wrote:

>  Hi All
>                 I am trying to find out how to see the exact query being
> run.
>                 When running show processlit, I get a lot of processes that
> have been running for a VERY long time.
>                 I a trying to find out exactly what query it is that is
> being run , any ideas?
>                 I tried the slow query log but it is not showing up in
> there.
>                 All the queries are showing “sleep”
>                 Not sure if this means anything....
> Machiel Richards
> Relational Database Consulting
> [image: RDC_Logo]

John Daisley

Certified MySQL 5 Database Administrator
Certified MySQL 5 Developer
Cognos BI Developer

Telephone: +44 (0)7918 621621
Email: john.dais...@butterflysystems.co.uk

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