Hi... there is stuff inline there.  

>> The logic behind this is probably that without innodb_file_per_table=1
>> and with several large ibdata files, the space IS freed up when one does
>> optimize table or drop table.  The space is freed up inside the database
>> files and can be reused.  
> well, and if you have this day 2 TB mysql-data and a year later
> get rid of 1 TB of it they allocated space can be REUSED for
> innodb but never for any other application

I did not say it is the right thing to not have an option to shrink the 
database or do file management. 
I tried to explain the logic that is probably put into this product.   Another 
piece of logic is that it is 
not really typical for the databases to lose 50% of its volume.   The databases 
usually either grow, 
or can grow, or are destroyed.  In that regard the product with this feature 
lacking probably still covers 
the needs of most.  By comparison, Oracle did not provide ability to drop the 
datafiles until, eh, version 8, 
I believe, and it was not made easy until version 10.  

>> If we think about it, the database product should only resolve problems of
>> the database space management, not of the OS space management. 
> the database producht with default settings is the part starting
> the troubles of os-space-managment and this is idiotic, no other
> words for this!

I would say inconvenient.   As I explained above, the OS space allocation 
problems that way could 
be considered a corner case and thus be considered unimportant by MySQL 
development.   Considering 
the problem of reclaiming 1 terabyte out of 2-terabyte database, one could 
resolve it with creating a brand
new instance followed by export/import of data.   It is not that there is no 
solution, it is inconvenient to use. 

> MY only luck is that i recognized this years ago after PLAYING
> with innodb and so i started with "innodb_file_per_table=1" from
> the begin with the first production database

Well, I would not base my database design on luck and playing.   There should 
be good awareness 
of what the features do and what would be the plan to deal with file 
allocations should the database
grow, shrink or somerset.  

> but the cases where ibdata1 is growing becasue ONCE bigger
> data was stored and never release the allocated space is a
> design-problem

Not exactly.  A design problem is to build a server in such a way as that 
adding a feature to remove datafiles 
would be impossible (without major rebuild).   I think this one can be added.  
I didn't bother to check, but I 
would be surprised if there isn't already an enhancement request for this

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