----- Original Message -----

> From: "Ananda Kumar" <anan...@gmail.com>

> yes, Barracuda is limited to FILE_PER_TABLE.
Ah, I didn't realise that. Thanks :-) 

> Yes, true there is CPU cost, but very less.
> To gain some you have to loss some.

I've only got it enabled on a single environment, but enabling it added about 
20% of a single vcore to the CPU usage. Very visible (and not problematic) 
because that system isn't CPU-bound :-) Converting an existing table to the 
compressed format did shoot the CPU through the roof, though. 

See http://www.tuxera.be/filestore/vefeuraxinie/mysql-cpu-year.png for an 
interesting graph. 


Bier met grenadyn 
Is als mosterd by den wyn 
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel 
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel 

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