Am 30.10.2012 17:17, schrieb Hassan Schroeder:
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Tim Johnson <> wrote:
>>   I might try cp -p -r, but need a second opinion.
> If you want to dump one or more databases, presumably you know
> the name(s); just use the mysqldump utility. Copying files is not the
> optimal way to save your data for most use cases.

if it are MyISAM tables it is the best way because all data
are in a folder with the database name - i never in my life
used a dump to migrate mysql-databases while started with
MySQL-3.x long years ago and moved them between Linux,
Windows and MacOSX and we speak about some hundret databases
with 5000 tables

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