Am 30.10.2012 17:34, schrieb Tim Johnson:
> * Reindl Harald <> [121030 08:25]:
>> if it are MyISAM tables it is the best way because all data
>> are in a folder with the database name - i never in my life
>> used a dump to migrate mysql-databases while started with
>> MySQL-3.x long years ago and moved them between Linux,
>> Windows and MacOSX and we speak about some hundret databases
>> with 5000 tables
>   Clearly, I have failed to pose my question clearly, because the
>   responses indicate that I have not been understood, so I will try
>   again:
>   *****************************************************************
>   mysqldump does not recognize the drupal databases!
>     Example :
>       linus:prj tim$ mysqldump event -hlocalhost -utim
>       -pXXXXXX > event.sql
>       mysqldump: Got error: 1049: Unknown database 'event' when
>       selecting the database
>   mysql does not find the drupal databases!
>   PHPMyAdmin does not find the drupal databases!

your first message:

>The drupal mysql datafiles are located at
> /Applications/drupal-7.15-0/mysql/data
> as opposed to /opt/local/var/db/mysql5 for
> 'customary' mysql.

this crap is outside your mysqldata

and that is why it was suggested that you teporary change
the datadir of your mysqld to /Applications/drupal-7.15-0/mysql/data
or if this are only MyISAM-atbles FOR SURE you can simply move
the database folders in your running mysqld-datadir

typical MacOSX-style to throw things around the whole
machine without any logical structure like applications
in the userhome...... this is the price someone has to
pay for a poor operating system without package management

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