I just got back in from a nice day in the park with my kids and my parents.

All I can say to defend myself is that I'm sorry I did not bow to you thy King.

And I am sorry if I have my own opinions and personality.  I will try to
conform asap to Big Brother's wishes.

And I am sorry that my apologies were not humiliating enough for you.

And if that is not enough, then please continue to extract blood...

...in the meantime, I will continue where it really matters.

Good luck to all.  And good luck to MySQL.  It is a great tool.

Thanks for giving me the chance in my last email to set the record straight
on my record.  The archives will speak for themselves.

At 04:18 PM 11/8/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>On Thursday 08 Nov 2001 14:53, DownloadFAST.com wrote:
>First of all, I am going to state right now that I have not witnessed this 
>discussion first hand (probably a good thing, too). The comments here reffer 
>to what you said in your email, and what can be found in the archives.
>> >Personally, I thought this was definitely the most amusing thread in
>> > recent memory...
>> It wasn't particularly amusing to me.  Especially when one of you who
>> disagrees with me, decided to add my email to a bunch of adult spam lists.
>Do you have any evidence to corroborate this? If so I'm impressed. Please, 
>tell us what your sources are - maybe we can use the information to reduce 
>the amount of spam going around.
>Assuming (and you should know what "assume" does) in this particular instance 
>is actually a very well known logical error:
>Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. (IIR my Latin correctly)
>It means: "After it, therefore because of it."
>>From a purely logical point of view, that argument doesn't make sense. IMHO, 
>it is far more likely that your email address has been harvested by a mail 
>bot. Accusing people without evidence in a public forum, especially after 
>claiming seriousness on your own part is BAD practice, and not at all good 
>for credibility.
>> MySQL just better hope that I continue to love the product so much, that I
>> do not post this thread for other corporations considering the
>> professionalism of the community.
>That sounds threatening. Let's not start sabre-rattling here. You might just 
>loose credibility.
>> Remember your list is linked from the
>> main MySQL.com web site, and I think that means you need to be cautious
>> with how you swoop done on new people who come here representing their
>> corporation.  In fact, they are lurking and they are not impressed, given
>> the supportive email I received privately.
>"Representing" in what way? There are good, helpful and friendly ways. There 
>are also others that involve shoving your (not necessarily your 
>corporation's) views (right or wrong, let's not go into it) down other 
>people's throats. Speaking out against open source products by generalising, 
>ESPECIALLY on a mailing list for an open-source product (if there is any 
>truth in what you quoted somebody to have said) is asking for trouble. 
>Especially after criticising the documentation that you obviously haven't 
>read properly. I make oversights myself, as far as documentation reading 
>goes. But at least I don't go in head-long convinced that I'm 100% right.
>> I think what you are demonstrating quite effectively is that if someone
>> does not agree with the standard line of thinking in the group, then they
>> will be chastized by the group.  I have had several people from the list
>> email me privately and give me their support.
>Frankly, after having just read through the archives, I am absolutely stunned 
>with the patience some people, especially Sinisa have shown you, in face of 
>blatant provocation verging on abuse.
>Some of your comments, e.g. "There are few poeple here trying to lock out any 
>outsider with a controversial opinion." verge on paranoid. Have you looked at 
>the MySQL source code? From your comments, I am pretty sure you haven't. And 
>yet you feel you know enough about it to say that "a modification" is 
>"simple". You don't know enough to make that call. Sinisa does. Get over it. 
>If you think you are that good, then go and make a patch and submit it for 
>inclusion in the source! I hate to break this to you, but that's the way 
>open-source software development is supposed to work. There is a not-so-fine 
>line between constructive criticism and abuse. IMHO, you have crossed it.
>Then you go on to say:
>"Sure there are those people trying to use MySQL to replace Oracle, but IMO 
>they should be the ones to have caveats, not the majority."
>Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. are all good products - and they are all good 
>at different things. It all boils down to cost effectiveness and performance. 
>If Oracle is good for you, and you can afford it - go for it. The whole point 
>of there being multiple products is that you can pick the one the most 
>closely matches your requirements.
>MySQL documentation has a very nicely reasoned PostgreSQL vs. MySQL section. 
>After having read it, at least I know that MySQL is developed by people who 
>are sufficiently grown up to look past their own point of view in order to 
>see the bigger picture and recognize the advantages and disadvantages of 
>different approaches to the problem.
>> Your intolerance only hurts the future of the group.  But no worry, as your
>> list is not really important to future of MySQL, or at least that is what
>> we are hoping.
>> In fact, you'll find traces of my input all over the web.  And a lot of it
>> is right on the money in terms of technical accuracy.
>> Good try Ravi,  but again you as the others are just showing your
>> vindictiveness.  It is not an enduring trait.
>I think you need to grow up a bit. And as far as vindictiveness is concerned, 
>I am not entirely sure who is vindictive here - my understanding is that YOU 
>are the one that re-subscribed to the list to rant on about this.
>Bottom line:
>1) If you need help with a product, then ask for help - don't spread FUD 
>about the product - ESPECIALLY not on the official mailing list for the 
>2) If you want a feature - then ask for it nicely. Starting your comment with 
>a comment about how stunned you are with the (very arguable, IMHO) inadequacy 
>of the product is NOT a method that will make you popular, or make people 
>encouraged to help you. Alternatively, add it yourself, and submit the patch. 
>If you don't know enough to do that, then you probably don't know enough to 
>argue how easy it is to do it!
>Now, can we please stop wasting bandwidth with this utterly immature argument?
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>   http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
>   http://lists.mysql.com/           (the list archive)
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